Therefore, the paper try to use the separation of the three powers to discuss the judicial insurance for citizen right. 为此,文章试图借鉴“三权分立”的理论来谈谈司法对公民权利的保障问题。
Basically, euthanasia is not a judicial right. 安乐死根本就不应当是一种私法上的权利。
Judicial right is only administrated by special agencies of a nation. 司法权只能由国家专门司法机关行使。
However, the definition of current laws, regulations and judicial explanations for subrogation right of creditor is far from clear. 但现行法律、法规及司法解释对债权人代位权的规定远非明晰。
The legislation of our nation's judicial identification isn't perfect, which has led to the chaos in the judicial practice, and has effect on the judicial right, results in unjust, framed-up and wrong cases. 我国司法鉴定立法不完善,导致司法实践中的混乱局面,从而影响司法公正,造成冤、假、错案。
The restriction of the right of silence is determined by the conflict between the silence itself and the fully exercise of the national judicial right. However, while being restricted, the right of silence should be prevented from the result of existing with the name only. 限制沉默权是沉默本身与国家司法权力充分行使存在冲突的属性所决定,但在作出限制时,应防止沉默权刑同虚设的结果。
As is known to all, whether shareholder should be given right of action and how to protect right of action efficiently is key to judicial relief, right of action here means civil right of action. 众所周知,司法救济的核心问题是是否对股东赋予诉权以及是否对诉权加以有效的保护,本文所指的诉权指民事诉权。
Judicial review& a right performed by the Supreme Court to review and check the legality or the constitutionality of the laws and regulations passed by the legislative or the governments, had been established in the earlier American history. 美国的司法审查权建立于美国早期,指的是美国最高法院对美国的立法和行政部门所通过的法律制度,能够就其合宪性进行审查。
Among the three options, judicial review is the right choice. 在可供选择的三种模式中,司法审查模式是我国违宪审查模式的必由选择。
The last part talks about how to prevent the abuse of judicial free adjudication right administrative free adjudication right. 第五部分阐述了在对行政自由裁量权进行司法控制的同时,如何防止司法自由裁量权的滥用。
The judicial change right of administrative litigation is the important component of court's administrative jurisdiction. 行政诉讼司法变更权,是法院行政审判权的重要组成部分。
In order to prevent sports association overuse and misuse this right, it is necessary for people's court to held Judicial Censorable Right to certain degree. 为防止体育社团滥用或误用这种权力,法院有必要一定范围的司法审查权。
On Judicial Independence and Right Protection 论司法独立与权利保障
The judicial change right of administrative litigation 行政诉讼司法变更权研究
A Study on Judicial Application of Right to Equality in Constitution 宪法平等权司法适用研究
Between Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint: Judicial Protection of Right& Exploring the Right of Melody-composition in Jurisprudence 在积极与消极之间:司法的权利保护&首起编曲权纠纷案的法理思考刘练军,周述荣
For supervising and restraining the administrative organ to exercise the administrative power effectively, realizing better that administrative litigation protects citizen, legal person and other organizations legitimate rights and interests, the range of judicial change right properly should be expanded. 为了有效地监督和制约行政机关行使行政职权,更好地实现行政诉讼保护公民、法人和其他组织合法权益的目的,应当适当扩展司法变更权的范围。
The right to social security have three paths of remedy judicatories: administrative litigation, civil litigation, constitutional litigation, and they constitute the tight system of the judicial remedy of the right to social security. 行政诉讼、民事诉讼、宪法诉讼这三种司法救济途径,组成了社会保障权司法救济的严密体系。
The supervision of judicial right over administrative right is successful in modern countries under the rule of law. 用司法权来监督行政权是现代各国建设法治国家的成功经验。
Relieving the Abstract Administrative Act of "Judicial Right of Exemption": A Study of the Procedure of the Abstract Administrative Act 免除抽象行政行为的司法豁免权&抽象行政行为的可诉性研究
Research on Relationship between Punishment Right and Judicial Censorable Right of Association 体育社团处罚权与司法审查权关系之研究
But our country no matter in theory and judicial practice, the right of personality logo commercialization use and regulation are in exploration stage, there are many problems to explain. 但我国无论在理论上还是司法实践中,对人格标识商品化权的利用和规制都处于探索阶段,有许多问题需要解释清楚。
For example, the judicial participation right under EU regime includes participation rights both as non-disputing party and disputing party. 例如,欧盟体制下非政府组织不仅具有非争端方的司法参与权,还享有争端方的诉讼提起权。
On judicial practice of the right to dispose of the contract approach, put forward their own problems. 第一部分,引言。就司法实务中对无权处分合同的处理方式,提出自己的问题。
And judicial review right is the core of modern judicial right. Under the decentralization of constitutional system, it can restrict the abuse of administrative discretion rights to certain extent, also should refrain itself from interfering lawful operation of administrative power. 而司法审查权也是现代司法权的核心所在,在分权的宪政体制下,它可以在一定程度上制约行政裁量权的滥用,同时也要克制自身不能干预行政权的合法运作。
The construction and improvement of the system of withdrawing civil charges needs to begin with the litigation rights of the parties. Fundamental improvement of the configuration structure of judicial power and lawsuit right can realize the value of the system of withdrawing civil charges. 民事撤回起诉制度的建构与完善需要从当事人的诉讼权利出发,从根本上改善司法权力与当事人诉讼权利的配置结构才能实现撤回起诉制度的价值。
This is the criminal judicial command right. At the present time, the criminal jurisdiction changed a lot in form and substance, but it is still the most important measure to deal with crime. 时至今日,刑事司法裁判权无论是在形式上还是实质上都与过去发生了巨大的变化,但其依然作为对犯罪的最主流处理措施而不断延续。
Discussion on its nature, category and enforcement has brought the conclusion that right of prosecution is a kind of criminal prosecution right, as well as judicial required right, a procedural right exclusive to procuratorate. 通过性质、种类以及效力的探讨,明确公诉权是一种犯罪追诉权、司法请求权,是专属于检察机关的一种程序性的权力。
National legislation and judicial to equal right to employment security in western society civil-rights movement and various anti-discrimination campaign got vigorous development. 各国国内立法和司法对平等就业权的保障在西方社会民权运动和各项反歧视运动中得到了轰轰烈烈的发展。
Sufficient protection shall be provided to the patentee of a judicial patent right, so as to efficiently stimulate the real inventors to sufficiently disclose their innovations to the public, thus contributing to the technical development. 对正义的专利权的权利人的应当提供充分的保护,以有效促使真正的发明人充分公开其发明创造从而为技术进步做出贡献。